Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Huh? You may wonder as what Leonidas is trying to convey.

He was actually referring to this

Eat mussel life longer, east oyster last longer!!! Couldn’t agree less with you Leonidas!

Hari Peladang, Penternak dan Nelayan 2008 was held at Tamu KPD, Tanjung Lipat, on July from 3rd to 6th. It is an annual event organized by Sabah Agricultural Ministry to boost small and medium agriculture entrepreneurs in Sabah. It is kinda like a big tamu, which it is held annually, instead of monthly/weekly basis. Seafood Festival was one of many main attractions of the event.

Preparing the oyster

So my sisters and I took this opportunity to try out the seafood. So we ordered;

- 3 kg of mussel

- 2 kg of cockle

- 2 boneless ikan bahulu

My precious mussel *nyum nyum*

And the boneless baulu, *drool*

And finally...



I ate to my hearts content. Of course, I purposely left the oysters intact for Leonidas and his 300 men to enjoy.


Looking forward for this event next year. Till then, keep on easting.