Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Labuan Open 2009

One word to sum up our team performance in the tournament; UNFORTUNATE.

My games were marred by my marker poor performance, only to find out later that the trigger screw was loose, affecting the trigger effectiveness. It’s frustrating to know how that actually can change the outcome of the matches I played.

Out of 12 matches, we fought against the eventual 3 teams that top the open and amateur category respectively. Nevertheless we did accomplish our target, winning 10% of our total matches. That is 3 out of 12, which achieve the target but still a far cry from our actual capability.

It was an enjoyable experience though. We had had our time. But up till today I still feel lost, knowing we could do much better. Alas, we can never be please at everything.


Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.  ~Henry Ford


AngeL BeaR said...

failure is another step to success. keep the good perfomance!

RevGray said...

Bro, you could only improve. Keep the spirit and play the game :)

tomato said...

thanks guys